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    First Day..Again

    Haruhi Kinjinshi
    Haruhi Kinjinshi

    Posts : 73
    Join date : 2009-10-23

    First Day..Again Empty First Day..Again

    Post by Haruhi Kinjinshi Sun Oct 25, 2009 3:07 pm

    Haruhi walked through the school grounds in her gigai [2nd spoiler without the sword xD], her bag slung over her shoulder. She hadn't bothered with any sort of uniform, she wouldn't be in this world for too long, after all. A few people stopped to look at her since they'd never seen her before but she didnt look back at them. If she got too involved in this world it would only hurt that much more when she had to leave again.

    Posts : 53
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    First Day..Again Empty Re: First Day..Again

    Post by Haseo Sun Oct 25, 2009 3:11 pm

    Haseo walked through the doors.Three boys waiting for him.They yelled to him "Hey misaki get your emo ass over here." Haseo gave them a weird look. They were not pleased with his reaction. One of the boys then took out a knife and ran towards him. Haseo raised his leg and kicked it out of his hand.He then kicked him in the rib cage.Knocking the breathe out of him. The other two jumped at him aswell. He close-lined one and pimp slaped the other.As the three boys crawled away with there tail between their legs they yelled at him."Your gonna regret that Haseo!!" he shook it off and walked to class.
    Haruhi Kinjinshi
    Haruhi Kinjinshi

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    First Day..Again Empty Re: First Day..Again

    Post by Haruhi Kinjinshi Sun Oct 25, 2009 3:22 pm

    She heard a commotion and looked around, seeing the boy that had attacked her a few days ago. She saw some boys retreating after it looked like he'd given them a beating and smirked. She knew that the boy wouldnt take any crap from people. What was his name again? Haseo, wasn't it? She nodded to herself as she kept walking before feeling someone tapping on her shoulder. She looked over her shoulder and saw a guy leering at her. "Heyyy...I havent seen you around before," He purred, frowning a little as Haruhi shrugged his hand off. "Thats because i've not been here before," She said as she rolled her eyes. She soon got annoyed. He just wouldnt leave her alone.

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    First Day..Again Empty Re: First Day..Again

    Post by Haseo Sun Oct 25, 2009 3:27 pm

    He looked over at her."Hey dumb ass knock it off"he said kicking him into the wall
    Haruhi Kinjinshi
    Haruhi Kinjinshi

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    First Day..Again Empty Re: First Day..Again

    Post by Haruhi Kinjinshi Sun Oct 25, 2009 3:44 pm

    She smirked slightly and shook her head. "I could've handled him by myself, you know," She said to Haseo with a raised eyebrow. "Besides, i dont think its best to kick someone into a wall while we're here in this world," She added slightly quieter so nobody else could hear her. She wondered if he remembered her. Probably not, and that was fine with her.

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    First Day..Again Empty Re: First Day..Again

    Post by Haseo Sun Oct 25, 2009 3:46 pm

    "Jesus haruhi if i hadnt have done you probably wouldnt be standing right now."he said pointing to the body that laid on the floor."that was another soul reaper."he said looking down at him.
    Haruhi Kinjinshi
    Haruhi Kinjinshi

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    First Day..Again Empty Re: First Day..Again

    Post by Haruhi Kinjinshi Sun Oct 25, 2009 3:51 pm

    "Oh, so suddenly i'm a damsel in distress?" She sighed. "I can take care of myself," She repeated, but she didn't sound particularly displeased with him. In fact, if he knew her well enough he might've been able to notice that she was actually pleasantly surprised that he even bothered to 'save' her. She was so used to doing things her way on her own that she couldn't remember how to ask for help, or thank someone when they did help her.

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    First Day..Again Empty Re: First Day..Again

    Post by Haseo Sun Oct 25, 2009 3:54 pm

    He felt his pocket vibrate.He answered his phone."uhh do i really have to go now."He said with a groan. He then took out his combat pass and exited his body."Hey haruhi ill be back later."
    Haruhi Kinjinshi
    Haruhi Kinjinshi

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    First Day..Again Empty Re: First Day..Again

    Post by Haruhi Kinjinshi Sun Oct 25, 2009 3:59 pm

    She nodded slightly and tried to force herself to smile. She wasn't
    sure if it turned out as a smile, she hoped it did. "Right, catch you
    later, Haseo," She said as she began walking to class, slightly early
    but she wasnt prepared to get into too many conversations with people.
    She just hoped her classes were relatively quiet.

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    First Day..Again Empty Re: First Day..Again

    Post by Haseo Sun Oct 25, 2009 4:01 pm

    After the first few classes,Haseo came crashing through the wall and the sounds of hollows howling could be heard.
    Haruhi Kinjinshi
    Haruhi Kinjinshi

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    First Day..Again Empty Re: First Day..Again

    Post by Haruhi Kinjinshi Sun Oct 25, 2009 4:11 pm

    Haruhi gasped and looked out the window, seeing that all too familiar black mass. She couldnt help it, she bolted. She jumped out the window and headed straight for the Hollow, removing herself from the Gegai and into her arrancar form. She uttered a few words before her ressurection appeared as well. She knew that there would be more than one of these things.

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    First Day..Again Empty Re: First Day..Again

    Post by Haseo Sun Oct 25, 2009 4:15 pm

    He jumped out the window and ran past."BANKAI"He yelled as he transformed.The spiritual pressure comming of him nearly leveled the school.
    Haruhi Kinjinshi
    Haruhi Kinjinshi

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    First Day..Again Empty Re: First Day..Again

    Post by Haruhi Kinjinshi Sun Oct 25, 2009 4:20 pm

    She shook her head. She didnt like it when people just rushed into things. She smirked and skidded to a halt, muttering a few more words before her Ressurection went in for the kill.

    Name: Claws of Ice
    State: Ressurection
    The ressurection slashes upwards with its claws, causing lines of ice
    to erupt from the claws, gauging through the ground to try and slice
    straight through the enemy.

    One of the Hollows immediately fell, roaring in defeat as it disappeared.

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    First Day..Again Empty Re: First Day..Again

    Post by Haseo Sun Oct 25, 2009 4:23 pm

    He smirked "Not bad haruhi"

    Name: Shinku Raikou

    Type: Hadou

    Number: 93

    Element: lightening

    Incantation: Shine down

    Description: Haseo charges spiritual pressure in his palm and it takes the color of deep crimson and he has to nail a direct hit which means his hand has to touch the victim

    He then slammed his hands on the remaining two hollows.Lightning striking through them,slicing them in half.
    Haruhi Kinjinshi
    Haruhi Kinjinshi

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    First Day..Again Empty Re: First Day..Again

    Post by Haruhi Kinjinshi Sun Oct 25, 2009 4:28 pm

    "You havent seen anything yet," She said as she stood beside him, rolling her shoulders so they cracked. "Now its time for my finale," She said as she jumped towards the final Hollow, her energy allowing her to get to about its chest in height.

    Name: Freezing Agony
    State: Both
    First, Haruhi will send a barrage of punches and kicks at the enemy to
    throw them off balance before a gust of icy wind blows towards them to
    try and throw them off even further and to numb them. Then, shards of
    ice will approach them from all sides, attempting to effectively turn
    them into a human pincushion.

    The shards of ice literally tore through the Hollow, reducing it to a whining lump in a matter of seconds before it faded away. Haruhi then landed directly beside Haseo again.

    Posts : 53
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    First Day..Again Empty Re: First Day..Again

    Post by Haseo Sun Oct 25, 2009 4:30 pm

    Haseo rested his scythe on his shoulder.He then placed his arm on haruhi's shoulder."Nice work Haruji"he said impressed
    Haruhi Kinjinshi
    Haruhi Kinjinshi

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    First Day..Again Empty Re: First Day..Again

    Post by Haruhi Kinjinshi Sun Oct 25, 2009 4:36 pm

    She brushed a lock of hair out of her eyes as her Ressurection disappeared. "Heh, you could do better i'm sure," She said as she smirked up at him. For once, she didnt feel the need to brush the arm away. Since she knew he wouldnt attack or mock her, she didnt find it nessecary. "Who knew i'd ever be fighting beside a Shingami," She said with a chuckle.

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    First Day..Again Empty Re: First Day..Again

    Post by Haseo Sun Oct 25, 2009 4:38 pm

    "Who knew id find someone with kido stronger than my own."He said with a laugh.He pulled her a bit closer "So uh schools almost over ya wanna find some more hollows or something."He said as his bankai dismissed it self
    Haruhi Kinjinshi
    Haruhi Kinjinshi

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    First Day..Again Empty Re: First Day..Again

    Post by Haruhi Kinjinshi Sun Oct 25, 2009 4:42 pm

    She raised an eyebrow, not entirely sure what he was getting at. However, she nodded and managed a smile. "Sounds good to me, it's not like it matters if we skip the rest of the class either. It's not like our parents will be reading out reports," She joked.

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    First Day..Again Empty Re: First Day..Again

    Post by Haseo Sun Oct 25, 2009 4:43 pm

    "Mine will"He said with a laugh as he sheathed his kazeshini. He then took out a piece of hollow bait. He then crushed it and watched the sky rip open."Time for some hand to hand training."He said as he jumped into the air and punched one right off its feet.
    Haruhi Kinjinshi
    Haruhi Kinjinshi

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    First Day..Again Empty Re: First Day..Again

    Post by Haruhi Kinjinshi Sun Oct 25, 2009 4:51 pm

    She chuckled and followed close behind, using her experience in hand to hand combat to her advantage. When she was human, she took up a lot of her free time training in martial arts: Judo, Ninjitsu, Karate, she did all sorts of different types. She almost taunted the Hollow she was attacking, easily weaving out of its attacks and kicking the hell out of it.

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    First Day..Again Empty Re: First Day..Again

    Post by Haseo Sun Oct 25, 2009 4:52 pm

    He smiled and flicked one into a building "What weaklings i need stronger ones."As he said this four vasto lorde class hollows ripped through the sky
    Haruhi Kinjinshi
    Haruhi Kinjinshi

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    First Day..Again Empty Re: First Day..Again

    Post by Haruhi Kinjinshi Sun Oct 25, 2009 5:02 pm

    "Gah, you're not holding any punches huh?" She said as she ran straight for them. She had to admit, taking down all of these powerful beasts was such a rush. The feeling of power you got was extraordinary. She wished, for a fleeting moment, that she was a shinigami too so she could do this for a living. But no, back to reality. She was an Arrancar. Just an evolved, better disguised Hollow.

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    First Day..Again Empty Re: First Day..Again

    Post by Haseo Sun Oct 25, 2009 5:06 pm

    He put his hand by his face as spiritual pressure began to form around his face.A hollow mask appeared."Skeith lets finish this"He said dashing past her like he was flying."Reap Kazeshini"His twin scythes urged for the blood.Which he gladly provided for them.Then he threw them in the air. They began to spin making a crimson tornado.
    Haruhi Kinjinshi
    Haruhi Kinjinshi

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    First Day..Again Empty Re: First Day..Again

    Post by Haruhi Kinjinshi Sun Oct 25, 2009 5:15 pm

    She just stood and observed with a hand on her hip, impressed by the display of power. She shrugged and yawned, knowing her work wasnt needed here now that he wasnt holding back. She dodged a few attacks from the Hollows but she didnt see a point in fighting when Haseo was going to kill them all anyway.

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