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    Under the Trees

    Haruhi Kinjinshi
    Haruhi Kinjinshi

    Posts : 73
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    Under the Trees Empty Under the Trees

    Post by Haruhi Kinjinshi Sat Oct 24, 2009 7:27 pm

    Haruhi sat underneath the thick canopy of leaves, leaning her head back against the solid trunk of one of the thicker trees. In the distance she could hear the roar of a Hollow and sent an icy glare in the direction that it came from. If it came over here, even though she shouldnt, she would exterminate it. When she was in a bad mood like this, everyone stayed away. The thing nobody knew was that she actually craved company, just not THEIR company. She wanted living company. With a beating heart and working lungs.

    Posts : 39
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    Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

    Post by Trowa Sat Oct 24, 2009 7:40 pm

    Luxray was walking through the Heuco Mundo forest. In a rather lively mood and when I say lively,I mean more serious then he usually is. Luxray's former mission was complete and he easily gathered Arrancar to help aid him in battle agaisnt Shinigami. Honestly, Luxray was very tired but taking a getaway walk through the forest would ease his mind. Secretly, Luxray loved to be alone in quiet beautiful places uninhabited by people or noisy animals. When in presence with others he quickly puts up a guard of detacthment.
    Haruhi Kinjinshi
    Haruhi Kinjinshi

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    Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

    Post by Haruhi Kinjinshi Sat Oct 24, 2009 7:46 pm

    When she heard footsteps heading in her direction, crushing the fallen leaves beneath their feet, her eyes shot wide open. She stood up, raising a hand to her chest in a rather girlish fashion, which she didnt really seem to notice. The branches that hung over her head hid her wolf-like arrancar ears so she looked pretty regular as far as anyone could see. In fact, she looked rather feminine standing the way she did. A gentle breeze blew through the forest, swaying the branches and blowing her cloak back. Her ears were still hidden, but now her face could be more easily seen since her hair had been blown over her shoulders so it now rested lightly upon her back.

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    Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

    Post by Trowa Sat Oct 24, 2009 7:56 pm

    Luxray,automatically noticing someone else was here and knew it must either be an intruder or a stray arrancar. Luxray swiftly but slowly swayed his way through the trees to the location and gripped his katana. "Intruder,LEAVE or be slayed by my blade." He said with a deep and mind rattling intense voice.
    Haruhi Kinjinshi
    Haruhi Kinjinshi

    Posts : 73
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    Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

    Post by Haruhi Kinjinshi Sat Oct 24, 2009 8:03 pm

    Haruhi curled back her top lip, snarling terribly as her razor sharp canine teeth glinted in the dull sunlight. She squared her shoulders and hunched over slightly, rolling her shoulders like a lioness stalking her prey. "As it happens, i belong in this place, YOU are the only intruder here," She called back into the darkness. She didnt have any swords or weapons, she didnt need them. She stopped snarling as her mouth became a cautious frown. "Why are you here? You are neither Hollow or Arrancar as far as i can tell. Your presence is not the same," She replied. Her stance didnt change, but she felt less threatened. This place was her territory, if whoever it was started a fight, she was already at an advantage.

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    Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

    Post by Trowa Sat Oct 24, 2009 8:09 pm

    "Hey!, I am Espada number 1." Luxray said as he stepped out of the shadows. Crimson eyes shined in the sunlight which created the darkness known as shadows Luxray took cover under. He took a glance at the blue haired arrancar and looked for her number. A female arrancar was rare to find since most was powerful enough to be in the top twenty meaning it was only a few to be found outside of the top twenty. Not dropping his guard down for no reason and keeping his shield up to block anyone from getting intouch with his emotions. He seemed more of an emotionless being and less apathetic."What number are you?" He asked as slowly,he did not notice his shield for entrance into his emotions was slowly dropping for some reason.
    Haruhi Kinjinshi
    Haruhi Kinjinshi

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    Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

    Post by Haruhi Kinjinshi Sat Oct 24, 2009 8:14 pm

    She straightened up, her ocean blue eyes surveying him coldly. "What's it to you?" She muttered, stepping into the light. It was only then that she could be properly seen. Her royal blue hair was roughly halfway down her back, and she wore a pair of white shorts which were, indeed, quite short. She wore a pair of long, knee high black boots with buckles to keep them tied. Lastly, she wore a white cloak, and as far as it could be seen, no shirt underneath since merely a few buttons kept the cloak tied. She watched him carefully, wary of this new intruder. "I dont care if you're Espada. Hell, i don't care if you're a human. You've got no right to run up to me with your sword drawn like you just did," She snorted.

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    Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

    Post by Trowa Sat Oct 24, 2009 8:22 pm

    His sheild quickly built back up and he was also quickly angered."Because I am in charge of this place." I come here to get away from all the commotion the arrancar has been lately getting all rilled up about. I have just completed a 2 week mission and i'm tired and angry. So if you don't mind leaving. I would greatly apprieciate it." He shout back with a equally angered look on his face. "Or you can stay here,I don't care. Just don't speak and make noise."
    Haruhi Kinjinshi
    Haruhi Kinjinshi

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    Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

    Post by Haruhi Kinjinshi Sat Oct 24, 2009 8:25 pm

    She rolled her eyes, what an arrogant excuse for an Espada. She merely walked up to him, looked him right in the eye and said "Bite me," before walking off. She gracefully jumped up into a hollow part of a tree, perching herself on it and letting her legs hang down the side of the tree. She looked pretty much at peace, now completely ignoring the idiot that just came stomping through the forest like a deranged elephant.

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    Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

    Post by Trowa Sat Oct 24, 2009 8:30 pm

    "Hm." was all he said before he walked off and vanished into a tree. He sat on the branch of the tree with his back turned to the blue haired arrancar and slowly his eyes lowered as he attempted to sleep. He mumbled a few things which was directed towards her but didn't say it clearly enough for others to understand it.
    Haruhi Kinjinshi
    Haruhi Kinjinshi

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    Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

    Post by Haruhi Kinjinshi Sat Oct 24, 2009 10:23 pm

    She continued to relax in the trees hollow, thinking the man had gone. She started to hum to herself, a slow and slightly sad melody. She remembered singing it to her brother when he had nightmares, and it soothed her own worries too. She leaned her head back against the tree as she continued to go through this mysterious melody of hers. Even the Hollows shrieking in the distance seemed to quieten down after she had started her song, and the wind seemed to calm down.

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    Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

    Post by Trowa Sun Oct 25, 2009 5:05 pm

    "I'm still here." He said as his eyes shot oped and glanced over at her direction. "Can you calm that humming down?" He asked not trying to seem like a jerk but still he ended up being one. His eyes flashed with emotions of annoyance as he plopped out of the tree branch he was sitting in to walk over to hers. Eyes glued on her as he was walking to he position.
    Haruhi Kinjinshi
    Haruhi Kinjinshi

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    Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

    Post by Haruhi Kinjinshi Sun Oct 25, 2009 5:11 pm

    "Don't care, unless you've bought this whole place with your own money which i seriously doubt, i can still do as i please here," She said as she continued her melody after she finished speaking, not even bothering to open her eyes to watch him approach her. Honestly, she didnt feel bothered by his presence at all, she just felt that she should be able to freely relax and be happy in a place where there were no rules to restrict her. Was that so wrong?

    Posts : 39
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    Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

    Post by Trowa Sun Oct 25, 2009 5:17 pm

    Infact,that was very wrong to Luxray if you was not talking or singing. Humming included. Luxray was annoyed by he presence. "Arrancar, HOW would you know if I did not buy this place. You wouldn't so could you be respectful and stop that damn humming. Others come here to relax also."
    Haruhi Kinjinshi
    Haruhi Kinjinshi

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    Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

    Post by Haruhi Kinjinshi Sun Oct 25, 2009 5:22 pm

    "I lost all respect for people when i realised that ultimately the only person you can trust is yourself," She muttered, finally opening her eyes. "So dont go yelling at me about respect, because i aint here to listen to you complaining. If you dont like how i act, leave. There's plenty of other places in this forest for you to mope," She wasnt normally so harsh, but one thing she detested was other people telling what to do. She didn't have to listen to him.

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    Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

    Post by Trowa Sun Oct 25, 2009 5:27 pm

    "Your a real annoyance y'know that?" He said calmly not even getting angry from the past times he spoke to her. "I even asked in the nicest way I could,Not yelling. So im not going to ask again." He said as he appeared in the tree branch she was in and glared down at her. The shade from the leaves gave off a cold presence from Luxray's body.
    Haruhi Kinjinshi
    Haruhi Kinjinshi

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    Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

    Post by Haruhi Kinjinshi Sun Oct 25, 2009 5:31 pm

    She sighed, running a hand through her hair. "Look, i'm not here to fight, or get irritated with you so i'll say this one more time," She pushed herself into a standing position, now roughly at his height. "This is the only joy i have left in this miserable existance of mine. If you're trying to take this away from me i'm sorry but i cant allow that," She stood her ground, not intending to give into him.

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    Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

    Post by Trowa Sun Oct 25, 2009 5:34 pm

    "I'm only telling you to quiet it down. My great power will and emotions will not allow me to kill one of my own for such a stupid reason as not shuting up. All I ask, is for you to keep quiet." He said as he leaned agaisnt the tree which was connected to the tree branch.
    Haruhi Kinjinshi
    Haruhi Kinjinshi

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    Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

    Post by Haruhi Kinjinshi Sun Oct 25, 2009 5:41 pm

    "Oh, so now i'm stupid," She said with a clenched jaw. "Y'know what? Forget it, I'LL leave. Jeez i never thought i'd have to be forced out of this place because one person couldnt tolerate the sound of my voice," She muttered as she jumped down, landing silently on the ground and started walking through the forest.

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    Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

    Post by Trowa Sun Oct 25, 2009 5:57 pm

    "I never said directly that your were stupid. I said stupid reason." He said as he only watched her walk away. He kinda felt bad but now atleast he had the forest to himself.
    Haruhi Kinjinshi
    Haruhi Kinjinshi

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    Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

    Post by Haruhi Kinjinshi Sun Oct 25, 2009 6:01 pm

    "Whatever, damn i guess those Shinigami were right to have such a huge ammount of hate for us Arrancar. I wonder what it is that causes us to be such bad people..." She said, more to herself than to him. "Maybe Tamaki wouldnt want to see me...Even if i did find out he was alive..." She murmured, looking down as she walked. Tamaki was her little brother, and she wanted to believe he escaped the Hollows attack which turned her into this.

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    Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

    Post by Trowa Sun Oct 25, 2009 6:22 pm

    Luxray appeared infront of her and saw the great saddness in her eyes. He wanted to make it better for seemingly acting like a jerk towards her without breaking his tough fascique. "......I apologize, I know these words seem thrown around by people who do not mean it but I do. Im sorry for pissing you off, I had a rough mission and I really wanted to relax. I should have asked what was going on with you instead of going on the way I did."
    Haruhi Kinjinshi
    Haruhi Kinjinshi

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    Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

    Post by Haruhi Kinjinshi Sun Oct 25, 2009 6:29 pm

    "If it wasnt your job to ask, then you didnt need to," She said as she tried to step around him. "If you'll please excuse me," She murmured, now not even bothering to come up with a witty comment or a snappy response. Her thoughts were now on Tamaki, and how horrified he would be when he found out about what she had become. It finally sunk in. She was a monster. She was just a more evolved, better disguised Hollow.

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    Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

    Post by Trowa Sun Oct 25, 2009 6:34 pm

    "Aw c'mon." He said as he stepped infront of her again. "Will you listen? I want to apologize for my rude behavior and I would also like to help you out. You seem very sad and I only wish to help you now."
    Haruhi Kinjinshi
    Haruhi Kinjinshi

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    Under the Trees Empty Re: Under the Trees

    Post by Haruhi Kinjinshi Sun Oct 25, 2009 6:43 pm

    "Who cares? I'm only a Hollow," She murmured, not trying to get past him now. She figured that he'd only step in front of her again. "My only purpose is to be killed by the shinigami..." She took a step backwards as an image of her brother flashed into her mind, his innocent smile beaming at her through the darkness, trying to tell her that things will be alright. Of course they wouldnt be. Not now.

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